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Inverness Strike Gold at World Masters Championships (press release 17/9/2002)

posted by Roy Sinclair - 17 Sep 2002

At the World Masters Rowing Championships held recently at Prague in Czechoslovakia, Inverness Rowing Club's Hazel Smith recorded a magificent achievement in winning Gold medals in three separate events.

Teaming up with members from various other Scottish and English clubs, she won her medals in the Womens Veteran C Eights, the Womens Veteran A Coxed Fours and the Womens Veteran B Coxless Fours in events against strong internatonal competition from Europe and beyond.

Events took place on the International Championship course at Racice near Prague in near perfect conditions although the heat was an unaccoustomed handicap for the Scottish contingent.

This Saturday 21st September sees a strong contingent of Veteran and Junior oarsmen and scullers from Inverness RC travelling to take part in the Aberdeen Sprint Regatta on the River Dee in Aberdeen.

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