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posted by Roy R Sinclair ( Vice President - 13 Nov 2006

An record entry of 197 crews was received for the Inverness Fours and Small Boats Heads which took place in variable weather conditions on Saturday and Sunday, 11th and 12th November on the superb rowing waters of the Caledonian Canal in Inverness. The Fours Head took place on the Saturday in difficult blustery conditions whilst Sunday's weather was kinder to the athletes in the Small Boats Head.
The Mens Open Fours was won in what is believed to be an excellent new record time of 15 minutes 15.6 seconds by the Aberdeen Boat Club crew of Misha Muller, Ross Cruikshank, Alan Sinclair (also Inverness RC), Andrew Crossland (stroke) and Meadbh Boyle (cox) whilst the Womens Open Fours went to Glasgow University Boat Club (Murphy - stroke) in a time of 17 minutes 59.5 seconds.
The Mens Veteran Fours was a closely contested event with the Inverness crew of Neil Wallace, Alastair Duff, Ken Sinclair, Tom Baker (stroke) and Hazel Geddes (cox) being narrowly edged out of first place by a crew from St Andrew Boat Club. A second place was also achieved by Moira Baptie, Sally Moore, Mary Clouston, Jenny Ramsay(stroke) and Meghan Hunter (cox) in th Womens Novice Quad Sculls.
Inverness crews won five events in the Small Boats events on the Sunday. Fastest crew of the day was the Inverness Mens Open Double Scull of Alan Sinclair and Colin Sinclair(stroke) who recorded a fine time of 16 minutes 49.6 seconds over the 4500metre course. Alastair Duff and Tom Baker both sculled well in winning their respective Mens Veteran C and Veteran E Single Sculls. Hazel Geddes and Mandy Towrie (stroke) were fastest Womens Veteran C Double Scull, whilst Mary Clouston and Sally Moore (stroke) were fastest Womens Veteran D Double Scull

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