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Restrictions on Access to the Boathouse

posted by Roy Sinclair - 24 Jun 2008


From: Andrew Ross [mailto:**********]
Sent: 24 June 2008 09:51
To: Roy Sinclair (Morrison Construction)
Cc: Mike Lofts; Russell Thomson
Subject: RE: Proposed Caledonian Canal Crossing


I have just spoken to the Soil Mechanics Senior Engineering Geologist for an update. They are hoping to get a drilling rig into position later today/early tomorrow on the towpath between Jacobite & the Rowing Club. They will be there for the next three and a half weeks. There will be no vehicle access to the Rowing Club during this time.

However, the vehicle access will be restored well before your regatta on 16th August.

The rig will then move to the large area of filled ground to the west of the Rowing Club, again for about three and a half weeks.

There is a third drilling site (different rig & crew) on the opposite bank of the canal, starting about mid July.

Pedestrian access will be maintained on both towpaths at all times.




From: Roy Sinclair (Morrison Construction) [mailto:*********]
Sent: 23 June 2008 16:41
To: Andrew Ross
Subject: Proposed Caledonian Canal Crossing

Hi Andrew

Ref our chats last Thursday and today Monday 23rd June and the proposals by the The Highland Council Consultant's drilling contractor's for borehole survey work on the banks of the canal over the next few weeks in conjunction with the proposed road crossing/aquaduct over/under the canal.

I understand that you may have a pdf file which could indicate the locations of the proposed boreholes/rig positions and would appreciate a copy of such a document to appraise the Rowing Club committee of these details and how the drilling operations may affect the club's normal training and regatta activities (our Sprint Regatta is taking place on Saturday 16th August).

An indication of the timescale and dates of these operations would be of assistance as well as details of any restrictions which could affect the club's members and if drilling operations are likely to affect vehicle movements between the Jacobite Office and the club's boathouse site.

Many thanks for your assistance

Kind regards


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