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Macrae & Dick Inverness Eights and Small Boats Head 2012 - Saturday 18th February -- Essential Information for Competitors

posted by Roy Sinclair - 15 Feb 2012, 5:18 p.m.

Firstly can we encourage competitors to arrive early, register early (don't all leave it to the last minute) we can't cope with many crews registering two minutes before they want to boat, and, especially Novice Crews, boat early.

Boating times have been included on the draw - it is your responsibility to boat at or before the time allocated. Remember there will be time penalties for those crews late to the start and any boat that has not passed the finish line 30 minutes before the scheduled start of each division will be turned back and will not be allowed to race.

Trailer and Car Parking

Buses must use the Sports Centre car park, which is clearly signposted.

All cars not carrying small boats must be parked at the Rugby Club car park, turn left before crossing the canal. Those cars carrying small boats must park beyond the IRC Boathouse.

Kindly ensure that no cars or trailers are parked in the turning area in front of the IRC boathouse where essential space is required for the portable loos (as supplied by Wernick Hire from Nairn), registration caravan and refreshment marquee

Trailers should be located as follows -

On the towpath to the North of Tomnahurich Swing Bridge (turn right after going over the bridge) - additional parking area for trailers to supplement areas defined below

Close to the Jacobite Cruises Office
Aberdeen BC/Aberdeen UBC/St Andrews UBC

NOTE - Three parking spaces must also be left clear on the immediate south side of the Jacobite Cruises office for the use of their staff vehicles

Close to IRC Boathouse (beside tow path before reaching boathouse)
Glasgow RC

Beyond IRC Boathouse (beside tow path at turning space before locked gate)
Clydesdale ARC / George Watsons College BC/ SPRC/ St Andrew BC and all car topped small boats

Registration - Race entry monies should be paid to Inverness Rowing Club together with a paper copy of the entry prior to the weekend. IF PAYING ON THE DAY there will be a 50p /person surcharge.

Bow numbers (Refundable Deposit of £5) and back numbers will be dealt with at registration Caravan.

Should Clubs wish to scratch crews, alter crew composition or make other permitted changes, then these will be dealt with at Regatta Control which will be in the control caravan.




Please have respect for your fellow competitors and arrive at the start in time - it can take some crews more than 45 minutes to row to the start. Allocated boating times have been published on the draw - PLEASE CHECK FOR ANY LAST MINUTE CHANGES WHEN REGISTERING


• All boats must have passed the finishing line on their way to the start no later than 30 minutes before the start time. Late departures will be turned back, in fairness to crews waiting at the start.

• All boats must have passed the finishing line on their way to the start no later than 30 minutes before the start time. Late departures will be turned back, in fairness to crews waiting at the start.

• Crews must ARRIVE upstream of the start 10 minutes PRIOR to division start time: 11:50 for division 1 start at 12:00 noon, 14:20 for division 2 start at 14:30.

• Crews must be on their marshalling station or above the start 5 minutes before race start time. A 5 second time penalty will be added for any minute thereafter.

First Division - Novice Crews must begin boating at 10:30am, Junior Crews at 10:50am, and Senior Crews at 11:00am - the draw provides allocated time places. Remember to take sufficient warm and weatherproof clothing with you.

Second Division - Novice Crews must begin boating at 1:15pm, Junior Crews at 1:30pm, and Senior Crews at 1:40pm - the draw provides allocated time places. Remember to take sufficient warm and weatherproof clothing with you.

Marshalling at start area

Eights will be required to spin under the control of the start marshalls and park their boats on the east bank of the canal facing downstream with the lowest numbered boat just above the start line which will be a distance from the timing line

Small boats will be required to park in a holding pattern under the control of a start marshall, close to the lock at Dochgarroch. The small boats flotilla will be instructed to move downstream to the start marshalling positions once the eights crews have started. Small boats will spin under the control of the start marshalls and park their boats on the east bank of the canal facing downstream with the lowest numbered boat just above the start line which will be a distance from the timing line - see also attached diagram

Wishing you all a successful weekend (and no time penalties )

Regatta Organising Committee, Inverness Rowing Club - February 2012

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